Dear Lady At Publix Yesterday Afternoon,
Despite your thoughts about it, you weren’t the only person the aisle, nay the entirety of the store was made for. Therefore, leaving your cart at the entrance of the aisle while you absently peruse the legumes will earn you a clear “Excuse Me!” From me. I got manners.
By your sheepish embarrassed look as you hustled out the way and your impish, heavily accented “Sorry”, I know that English is not your first language. That don’t matter to me. We good. I got to go my way and you got to get sassy with the split peas. To each their own.
When we stopped being good was when you decided that I couldn’t get cozy with the canned frijoles negros and squeezed your cart against my reusable grocery bag hanging on the back of my chair, full of my Whole Foods goodies and more importantly, my billion dollar GF birthday cake. In the instant it took for me to hear the plastic of the cake container whine under pressure of your cart, we became immediate fist fight foes. I get it, despite my attempt to leave room in the aisle for others to pass, my bag still obstructed traffic. A simple “¡Perdón!” would have had me move out your way and let you pass. I can’t walk but I can hear.
Sweet baby Jèsus was with you then ’cause all I wanted to do was bus’ you about the head region with my bag of bananas. Do you know how far, how many busses, how long and how much money that cake cost me?!?!?!?!?! Do you? Dios!
That you didn’t even stop to say sorry added further insult to injury. That’s why you fully earned the Crimson Death Stare along with the clearly audible and vexed, “Really?!?! REALLY?!” from me.
Manners in any language, are a beautiful thing. Smh
-Why You Make Me Crimson Death Stare You?, Vexed
#OhHellNo #MannersAreBeautifulInAnyLanguage
#TrueStoriesOf2016 #DisabledChronicles
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