To The Dude In A Wheelchair Who Was Being A D$&k –

You broke code and etiquette.

If you are exiting and another wheelchair is entering, unless you are already mid-exit through the door, you must back up. I repeat: YOU MUST BACK THE FCUK UP.

I know you saw me because by the time I eyed you and you registered the shock on my face of the near collision, I quizzically spied that sly grin of you trying to get away with something all over your face.

Sub-section 12 under article Don’t Be An A$$, clearly states that the wheelchair entering has right of way. Read your manual.

And what’s with this slowly trying to go around me?! BACK UP! Put it in reverse and BACK UP! Sheesh!

Besides: where are your manners?! Have you never heard of allowing a lady to pass first?! We are disabled, not savages. Even I yield to Elders and other wheelies who need more space, time, etc…

You Sir, disappoint Me.

-What’s Wrong With You?, Seriously?!

#WeAreDisabledNotSavages #IDontEvenHavePIP 
#TrueStoriesOf2016 #DisabledChronicles