I’ve been feeling really self-conscious about my body and it not being able to ‘do’ things like able bodied folx.
Like really self-conscious.
I’m not immune from this, even though I’ve been disabled all my life and have done more in my short little Brown Woman’s life than a lot of fully able bodied folx. I still have my moments (ok – it’s been going on MONTHS now. Stupid break up 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️) when I struggle with how different my body is and how much I can’t do.
But today, while waiting on another appointment, I met the Amazon delivery driver at the gate with my cart and mask. I had him place my monthly supplies order in my cart and I carefully took my time and navigated the cart while driving my chair BACKWARDS the entire way to my door.
Spinraza Gift © 2021 SandraJeanPierre.com

Spinraza Gift © 2021 SandraJeanPierre.com

While enroute, I was almost foiled by a dead palm branch that sought to sabotage my cart/wheelchair wheels. But we kept going, slow and slowly, dragging the dead branch most of the way to my door.
I was sure my left hand was going to fall from the cart handle 50-11 times during the journey but NOPE. My fingers gripped as firmly as they could and was not deterred by bumpy concrete, stubborn dead palm branches or wacky turning angles.
I got stuck when I got to my door and traversing the threshold, so I used my ingenuity and used the height function on my wheelchair along with the edge of my foot rest on a joint in the cart handle to hoist the cart up slightly while I continued backwards into my house.
Spinraza Gift © 2021 SandraJeanPierre.com

Spinraza Gift © 2021 SandraJeanPierre.com

I did it! I got the cart, with its heavy load, into my house by myself! 💪🏽
I grunted, I huffed, I puffed, I was hot out in the blazing sun, I almost gave up when the threshold almost bested me but I did it 😭
My body is a lot of things but incapable is not one of them 🥰🥰🥰
Im totally digging this #SpinrazaGift 💜💜💜
Spinraza Gift © 2021 SandraJeanPierre.com

Spinraza Gift © 2021 SandraJeanPierre.com