Hard Stick
Those who’ve been following me for any extended length of time know that my body does not like giving up my veins for sacrifice (this is called: being a hard stick). Not for routine blood work or to save my life. You’d also know my ordeal with Quest labs, where they...
Those You Touch By Showing Up
I dunno how to categorize this (Those You Touch By Showing Up?)... So here you go: I just got off the bus, after a successful call with a new client/art work admirer an hour or so ago. Feeling awed but grateful for things cause wins are awesome after so much loss in...
Amazing! First Art Show
Well... it is done! This art show was AMAZING! I was nervous for a bit but seeing my prints (that many of my Facebook friends helped make happen) fixed all that! Being in that space, with all the other artists was like a dream! It was too awesome having my family and...
Disabled Chronicles, No75
Besides my Aide’s bush tea, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that this little peach pill (that I was taking for something else entirely and wholly unrelated) saved me too. Its a low dose, long term antibiotic. And today is my final dose. I know I didn’t go into too...
Study of Hands: Leaning In
On the heels of some pretty awful news two weeks ago, I received an email from someone advising me that they were curating a digital art show and wanted to invite me to participate. I wanted to ignore it. As a matter of fact, when I received a similar email from the...
Body Conditions: I Take Time
She barely whispers "Good Morning" when she comes into my room. She thinks I may be asleep. Most times though, as soon as her key slips through the deadbolt, I am instantly awake. My hearing that acute, my alertness that intense. I let her think she has woken me...
Body Conditions: SMA3
I don't write about my main condition often. In fact, I barely mention it's name in real life (Kugelburg-Welander Syndrome, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Type 3 or just SMA3). Besides the naming of it not doing much to manage or change it's effects on me, no one...
For the past month, I have been creating... but not like you'd think. I've been giving answers to questions on paperwork to create means to clear up my backyard, still. I've been making phone calls, creating and rekindling connections. I've been taking inventory of...
Lessons from Hurricane Irma, No.1
I call Nephew into my room, greet him and ask if he can help me. He nods and waits. I take as deep a breath as I can and rattle off a list of medications I need him to pour, shake, spray and give me. He used to categorically object to my use of so much medication in...
Lessons of Hurricane Irma, No.2
The tops of my feet looked like freshly baked loaves of bread: sun-browned and puffy. Rather inviting if they were actual loaves of bread instead of feet. It was day five of no electricity, thus no AC and the house was broiling in the mid-day sun. Penelope The...
Lessons Of Hurricane Irma, No. 3
I usually have anywhere from 5 on the low end, up to 25+ fully ready to heat and serve gluten free meals stashed in my deep freezer and my fridge freezer. I also have the entire first freezer drawer of my two drawer fridge freezer for all my gluten free stuff: frozen...
Disabled Chronicles, No. 911
That one day, you head to your electrologist appointment and what is normally a very painful but necessary part of your life to keep you from looking like a mama bear, has you sitting there asking her if the machine is turned on cause you're not feeling any of the...
Elevate Relaxing Sleep is my YouTube channel dedicated to various sounds to help you sleep. Check it out, subscribe and let me know how it works for you- Sweet Dreams!