Blend: pineapple, mango, coconut meat, coconut yogurt, fresh knob of ginger, green juice, beet juice, water.
Remembered all the ingredients this round and didn’t add too much ginger this time. Might keep the coconut yogurt after all so I won’t get super hungry. The addition of the green powder in the coming weeks will be the final say.
About an hour after drinking the smoothie yesterday, all the areas that generally hurt when a migraine comes on, were tingly. It was super weird but ok at the same time. After drinking my blend today, the same sensation happened.
Last night, it felt like a horrible migraine wanted to make an appearance but within 20 min of starting to feel bad, the pain disappeared. Like nothing was going on. 😳
When I finally got to sleep, I slept pretty soundly. Which is a miracle for me as I typically sleep pretty badly.
Hunger factor was through the roof about four hours post consumption. I just wanted protein, so I bought and ate some GF chicken tenders. Typically I eat 3-4 and I’m stuffed (they aren’t overly huge, I just don’t eat a lot?!). But yesterday at about 4:30, I DEVOURED 6 of them and was STILL ravenous! 😩 Then I ate half my dinner at 7:30, cause hungry. 🙄 I will need to stock healthy snacks to counter this because eating that much, for me, is Crazy Biz©
I will probably add a bit of turmeric to this blend as I’ve noticed that my joints are kinda achy. Not sure if it’s the weather change or this smoothie. Will probs add about a teaspoon (must research) to tomorrow’s blend.
#TrueStoriesOf2016 #MigraineChronicles #MigraineBlendChronicles #ThatGingerTho #Health

