So, here’s mah face.

I’ve been super quiet lately cause 2020 has been handing me some huge changes.

One of which has been getting ready to move into my very first space. Ever. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous.

But life has a way of being that is weird and head scratching and OMG all at the same time. This is one of those times. And this move is one of those instances.

Nothing to do but to lean in.

Since I won’t be able to invite y’all over for a proper house warming cause COVID 🙄, I’ve put together a HouseWarming 2020 Wish List on Amazon (…) with some things to help make my new space homey. Only what you can do, only what feels ok and as always, I am ever thankful for what #TheVillage can do to help. 💗

EDITED TO ADD: For those who would rather:

CashApp: $SandraJP13


Zelle: please PM me

Take care of yourSelf and be safe Fam.