Hello. My Name is…
... Sandra. I live, I do stuff and I write about it. Although I should probably write a whole hell of a lot more than I do. Cause let's face it - the smattering of posts I've managed to write would lead you to believe that I don't do or get a whole lot of stuff...
Oneness Gratitude
Hey guys... This is a follow-up video I did about how I feel some weeks since the Deeksha Blessing. Enjoy! -S
Oneness – The Video Version
This is the video portion of my experience with a Deeksha Blessing that I received over a week ago. I'd never received one before and it was profound. I am working on the written part of my experience. I recorded this video some hours after I was blessed. I hope...
***New Print*** and Other News
Hey Guys, I have a NEW print available on my page: Tweet, Share, Like! Also, I did some small switch arounds on my site to make following me a little bit easier and clearer. If you glance over to your right, you'll see all my current social sites - check...
Serious Drivel
My insomnia is pretty out of hand lately. I found myself awake at three o'clock the other morning wondering about life. This was after me being awake from 5 or 6am the previous day. These sleepless jags never leave me in anything of a good mood after. Mainly when I...
Heartful Home #thisamericanlife #heart #home
Every Sunday night, I participate in this call-in meditation with a woman I have never met in person. The best way I can describe her is a Life Coach for Black Women. Her teachings show you how to be a better you, primarily for YOU, which then allows you to be a...
Angry Guts
I shouldn't get as mad as I do with my guts. But when you spend the day having your taste buds and nose viscerally assault you with memories of foods that you can no longer have, it makes it hard to be kind or forgive your innards for being such traitors. This...
New Times
I want a Love that will take my breath away, that will leave me humbled and grateful and covered in kisses and hugs. I want to know that whomever she is, will be there for the long and short of it, will support and encourage me, will love and accept all of me. I...
Inspiration #inspiration #kidpresident #love
Didn't think I could love this kid any more, but this video just brought my love for this little soul to another level. -S
Cease and Desist
Two weeks ago I had to basically send a Cease and Desist letter to my Ex via Facebook. Not because She had been crazy stalking me or anything (that would have entailed a restraining order for sure) or to imply that she is the sort of person to do that either. Though...
More Hands #art #artist #prints
Hey Guys, I'm working on a blog post for you all - for reals. But in the mean time, I have another set of prints up and ready to go: Share away as I continue to do so too. Every helping hand helps to get people interested. No buyers yet but I am hoping soon!...
Elevate Relaxing Sleep is my YouTube channel dedicated to various sounds to help you sleep. Check it out, subscribe and let me know how it works for you- Sweet Dreams!