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Tired. Sleepy.

Tired. Sleepy.

I hunted down the status of my ordered casters for my lifter and began formulating a plan c, d and e since it appeared the new casters wouldn’t get here in time to surrender the rental lifter by next Monday. But disaster was further averted when I was assured and...

Five Alarm Emergency

Five Alarm Emergency

UPDATE: Rental just arrived. It ain’t pretty but it’ll do. Now to await the casters... —————————————— Never mind the hair/debris sticking out the sides. The wheel on my hoyer lift decided it was sick and tired of this existence - so it peaced out. I use the hoyer lift...



I stopped eating off of paper plates when I moved into my current place. Because my old house wasn’t exclusively gluten free, it just became easier to eat off of paper plates to ensure as little cross contamination as possible than to risk using gen pop (communal)...



I was called fat today. That I had gained weight all over. I was also told that I was ‘lucky’ to live where I’m living - said in a way that implied, I should not have nice things because I’m disabled. Simultaneously, I was used as inspiration porn for encouraging this...

Death Stare

Death Stare

Apparently I have Death Stare. A way my facial expressions simultaneously convey a succinct ‘WTF are you DOING?!’ with a chilling side of ‘I will END You!’, wrapped up with that look your Momma gave you when you were acting a whole fool. This was detailed to me by one...



So... I’m gonna try to write a little bit more here. Mainly for me... but also for yous. Irrelevant things, sad things, thinking things? Only when I can. If it gets too sad, you can duck out - no hard feelings. Holding it in hasn’t helped. Maybe sharing some would be...

Culinary Horizons

Culinary Horizons

In Other News...Tried to expand my culinary horizons by trying out Great Northern Beans, as Black beans are the *only* beans that my Celiac belly seems to tolerate. I am currently regretting my culinary foray as I look like I’m about 3.5 months pregnant and this...



I feel like I keep failing. Failing at words, failing at art, failing at showing up, failing at doing things right. I feel selfish for always thinking of me and how things affect me. I feel foolish for not thinking of me more, sooner. I feel doomed to not think of me...



The fire always seems to be around the corner. It always seems to be coming; overtaking. It always seems to be the hottest- waiting to burn everything. No matter what, it always seems to just be there. #truestoriesof2021

A Whole Queen

A Whole Queen

When you don’t look like what you’re going through or what you’ve been through... #truestoriesof2021#MelaninMagic#StillAWholeQueen #thisiphonecameratho #BetterMeForMe #ThisMorningLightTho #nomakeup



In the things that cannot be said... In all that 2020 took - I pray safe homegoing, strength for your family, courage for your Wife. You were Dad to me for a short time, provided shelter during my times of need, wise words during my hurt- your silent generosity has me...

Disabled Chronicles, No.8

Disabled Chronicles, No.8

My mind is generally willing - gogogo! Get things done! The cosmos are the limit! Yay all the knowledge! My body? My body has a more practical view of things. Slow and steady, easy does it, maybe not all at once. But it does what it can to keep me here - so I’m...



Elevate Relaxing Sleep is my YouTube channel dedicated to various sounds to help you sleep.  Check it out, subscribe and let me know how it works for you- Sweet Dreams!
