My first post COVID vaccine outing. Grown drinks in a kiddie cup (cause plastic cups are easier to handle).
Grown Drinks in a Kiddie Cup © 2021

Grown Drinks in a Kiddie Cup © 2021

I belly laughed at the irony.
Bestie and I sat outside and for a couple of hours, life felt normal.
Revelations: Drinks are expensive and I’m a super light-weight these days. 😮 Bacardi in mojito is still everything, though I should have sipped water between my boozing lol
Grown Drinks in a Kiddie Cup © 2021

Grown Drinks in a Kiddie Cup © 2021

Took a chance on their food (forgot to take a pic). It was delicious and so far hasn’t killed me 😂
Got home, ate my leftovers and watched Luca on Disney.
It felt weird being out. Especially when I saw folx without masks. The only time our masks were off were when we were at our table.
I have more outings to attempt to try and get over and through these past 10 months.
It’s funny how my heart breaks and how moving on feels like a betrayal on all fronts. And I have to do it. I have to leave what’s to be left behind. I don’t know that I’ve ever left anything behind consciously before.
I don’t recognize this version of what I’m living. But I have to live it cause what’s the alternative?