So… today is the anniversary of my Mom’s burial.
I always forget until I ask myself WHY am I acting like a crazy person towards those that I love and who care about me? Sometimes it’s so abrupt that I wonder what kind of situation is going on in my brain to make me act like I do.
Anniversaries of things have a way of being remembered by our bodies, even when our conscious minds ‘forget’. I’ve been doing ok (I thought) until I got upset over a small thing and snapped at someone who has been awesome to me. 😔
Grief is still with me over my Momma not being here, over her ‘leaving’ me.
And that won’t be an excuse for how I behave towards those around me. Both things are true and exist.
Bestie suggested that maybe I should change my sad, grief ridden response to my Momma not being here into a positive response.
My Momma loved watching In Living Color. It was one of the shows that had her eagerly awaiting its arrival every week. It allowed her to belly laugh and crack up right along with Us kids.
I will remember her being happy today, when she got to be happy about something. I’m glad I got to be with her then 💜