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Thanks to all those who have been reading my blog these past few days - I appreciate all those who have stuck by me in my silent absences and all the new folks!  It is awesome to be writing for myself again and to have people who actually care what I write about. As...

Show and Tell

So... I've been brainstorming - trying to find a way to cover my Special Snowflake Food Budget Situation, as mentioned in Beautiful Hunger and I came up with something that I want to share with you guys. I do vector illustrations of hands for fun.  The hours of...

Beautiful Hunger

Photo Credit: Sandra Jean-Pierre @Whole Foods It takes me nine hours to cook my food - give or take two hours or so. Usually I do my food shopping the day I decide to cook - saves my foods being cross-contaminated and ensures its freshness.  This is what I tell myself...

The Things We Forget

I haven't forgotten about this blog. Truth is, I've been blogging elsewhere's.  Not things many would like(?!) or would be interested in... I think.  I am judging now and I'm not sure that is helping. But I didn't forget about this blog. I think it is easier to ignore...

Underneath It All

Update 10.21.12: Totally realized that contrary to what I had written in this post - I don't want to be taken care of (I know how to feed myself, shop, get myself bathed, etc...), I want to be cared for (loved, adored, respected, given cuddles and kisses, thought of...


When I was just about to start school, I was tested. During those times (late seventies/early eighties) any kid who was in a wheelchair or had leg braces or seizures was tested to see just how Special Ed. they were.  Me and my wheelchair would be no exception. I...

Man Who Wears a Skirt

He prefers structured skirts that reach mid-thigh. And heels that are no more than two-inches or so (though I've sworn I've seen him wear a pair that were a shade higher) that show off his toes.  Yes, the strappy kinds.  I've seen him wear them in white and...

Something to Say

I didn't come out till I was in my late twenties.  My mother had been long dead and any reservations I had about being wrong about being lesbian were nil because I had met a Someone who felt some kind of way about me. It was still difficult, because I had to contend...


I try not to betray my words.  But either out of necessity or inability, I do.  And in those moments, I know that I am somehow denying the world (?) of something important.  So I try not to let that happen very often. The relationship I have with my words is like a...

Child’s Play

I ate my first  batch of fish sticks and tartar sauce in almost two and a half years. Though I at times consider myself a food snob of sorts (I mean what is there NOT to love about the buttery, custardy, creamy goodness that is Crème brûlée?!), I am not above the...



Elevate Relaxing Sleep is my YouTube channel dedicated to various sounds to help you sleep.  Check it out, subscribe and let me know how it works for you- Sweet Dreams!
