That one time you ask your aide to make you multiple servings of the new Cream Of Rice cereal you found and that was purchased along side Bethany’s Cream Of Wheat…

And though they were bagged together but in separate containers, your aide managed to grab the wrong box (and you didn’t even think to triple check to ensure she grabbed the correct one) and proceeded to make a whole 12 mini containers worth of the Cream Of Death so you could have breakfast food options since it’s such slim Celiac pickings in the breakfast foods department of your life.

You, hungry as you were, grabbed the freshly made breakfast of two scrambled eggs, two sausage links and a helping of Cream Of Death and happily tucked into that Cream Of Death like your life depended on it. You smile, feeling all warm and fuzzy to finally have found a warm breakfast you can eat that’s quick and filling and easy…

Only to look over on your shelf and spy your actual Cream Of Rice cereal still nicely packed and cozy in its double bagging. It was then that you understood the meaning of the color draining from everything. Because it did, taking your soul with it. Your mind began to buzz in panic and you regretted every decision that lead you to this moment of wretched realization that in 20 short minutes, your innards will begin to stage their greatest revolution yet after being untouched (knowingly or accidentally) by gluten in at least 6 years (not to say 9; though the first three years of being gluten free were fraught with mishap).

And you know… you KNOW there is nothing to be done now but to await the hand that this accidental glutening will deal you and pray there are enough potatoes and smoothies that will nursemaid you over the coming days as your innards begin to get warm and rigid like a hose left on the ground on a hot summer day…

No? Never happened to you?!

#StayDiligent #ThatBullshit #StayCeliacWoke #CeliacChronicles #TrueStoriesOf2019