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Disabled Chronicles, No.2d2

Disabled Chronicles, No.2d2

After Spinraza injections, the ‘floaties’ in my eyes appear like straight lengths of ‘string’ with an impressive knot in the middle. Uniform, peculiar as my ‘normal’ floaties go, which are bendy, twisted affairs, beautiful in their organic go at existence. Plentiful...

This Work

This Work

in the reaching muscles, taut strand over strand to breaking, burning... faith - dust speck wide, without kin or end of tunnel light - sparked anyway, and The Work of un-breaking The Child, of wiping The Grown from Young Mind of blowing heart-wrenched...

Disabled Chronicles, No. 977764784

Disabled Chronicles, No. 977764784

Those three weeks you spent trying to find a place to get a pedicure and all you kept getting were tacit, ‘No. we can’t do that here’ responses. But you’ve come to expect as much and just keep trying. You tried today, hopeful you’ll find a place and look forward to...

Disabled Chronicles, No.236

Disabled Chronicles, No.236

Breach Healthy summer brush choked the path in front of me. I stopped a moment, unsure if the walk ahead would be possible. As if I hadn’t taken this stroll a hundred different times already. Silly. Of course it would be possible. I pressed ahead and quickly felt...

Disabled Chronicles, No.675

Disabled Chronicles, No.675

My feet feel like I’ve been standing on them all day. They are achy and throbby and super glad to be in bed. I did not use my fancy schmancy foldy chair to adjust myself but for one hour today... really over the past four days. I’ve been working. Planning. Dreaming....

heart/  break

heart/ break

... burgeoning truth. everadvancing towardshore, pushingagainsthopes’gossamer whisperof existence -  so unexpectedly total,so undeniably complete, so shatteringly absolute,  engulfs beyond submissionto surrender. breath,once friend leaves,foe. There is a way a...

Disabled Chronicles, No.2d

Disabled Chronicles, No.2d

Disabled Chronicles, No.2D: I glanced at the image the fluoroscope captured on screen: my neck, right side extended and exposed; vertebra like puzzle pieces, spaced out. The faint outline of the base of my skull, my jaw... was that my chin? The earring of my left ear...



By way of My Cowboy, Ira Wile: “The problem is you’re too busy holding on to your unworthiness” — Ram Dass

Disabled Chronicles, No.2d1

Disabled Chronicles, No.2d1

There was a taped interview I did locally when my art was presented at the gallery last year. I got dressed and showed up that day, sure that my hat and winter shawl were all in place. Camera pointed at me, mic catching my lilting voice, charm on fully - the interview...

Disabled Chronicles, No. 291

Disabled Chronicles, No. 291

The Void The hem of her robe caught my eye from the periphery through the plate glass. The yellow floral pattern wrestled with the egregious wind, to keep covered the curves the mischievous gusts insisted on uncovering. I’d just got done asking the deli manager to...

Disabled Chronicles, No.2c

Disabled Chronicles, No.2c

UPDATE: Spinraza Injection No.3: I wonder if this is what it was like to be made in the image of G-d that first time: glorious, innovative, sacred. Because what was not mentioned in all the awe-inspiring verklemptness of it all, is that it’s a bit painful and quite...



Elevate Relaxing Sleep is my YouTube channel dedicated to various sounds to help you sleep.  Check it out, subscribe and let me know how it works for you- Sweet Dreams!
