Well… it is done! This art show was AMAZING! I was nervous for a bit but seeing my prints (that many of my Facebook friends helped make happen) fixed all that! Being in that space, with all the other artists was like a dream! It was too awesome having my family and friends there for support💗💗💗


I was not ready for people’s reaction when they saw my work?! They were genuinely moved and touched by them in ways that take my breath away. There was this one man from Argentina who was so heartbroken that he had no more room in his luggage so that he could buy one of my pieces that just sang to him. He was so crest fallen. All he kept saying was, “I have no more room! I have no more room and I’m leaving in two days!!!” I gave him my information and told him where to find me online and that next time he comes, to let me know and I can have the framed print ready for him to purchase. He seemed so relieved.

There was this other woman who came with her friends and was picking out pieces to she had an eye for. When she realized that I was the artist, her face lit up and she told me she loved my pieces and by extension loved me and gave me a hug. We took a few photos together. She wanted me to do a one of a kind print of one of my prints just for her. I gave her my info as well and have plans to work with her on what she’d like.

A Hispanic woman asked me about the story behind my prints and when I told her how my prints also represent Black Art/Artists, her eyes closed in relief(?) and she thanked me for my work.

Amazing! - First Art Show ©2018 Sandra Jean-Pierre

Amazing! – First Art Show ©2018 Sandra Jean-Pierre

Amazing! - First Art Show ©2018 Sandra Jean-Pierre

Amazing! – First Art Show ©2018 Sandra Jean-Pierre

Amazing?! AMAZING!!!