Disabled Chronicles, No.274989
Soooo... After feeling like my left kidney was stomped on by an angry cow, I called my doctor's office LAST WEEK Thursday and told them that I had some UTI issues going on and that I would be in need of a script for antibiotics. The new Nurse Practitioner who is now...
Disabled Chronicles, No.1303
That one time you were so hangry that you didn't follow your own pill/medication protocol of cutting or crushing your pills before attempting to ask your spazzy throat to take deliverance of them. And true to form your throat spazzes the f€&k out mid-swallow...
Disabled Chronicles, No. 23847
Yesterday morning, laying on my left side on my bed, bundled up like a burrito: Me: Nephew! Nephew: Yes? Me: Can you roll me forwards please? Nephew: (Stands in front of my bed, grabs behind my knee and my shoulder and rolls me towards him) Me: (Begins to yawn and...
Disabled Chronicles, No.34658
Me: (backing up onto the transportation van to begin my days sojourn) Morning, morning! Hears grumbled mornings from passengers already onboard. Driver: Back up, to your left, all the way to the back. Me: (Knows this is gonna be a long trek if I'm relegated to the...
Disabled Chronicles, No.27
Generally folks don't think I need anyone to Show Up For Me. While they think I'm being all inspiring, strong and a sHero, they forget that I am human and that I on occasion need a friendly face in the crowd and in the seas of change around me. This morning, while my...
Disabled Chronicles, No.8932
...That one time, you thought those frozen GF waffles that have been in the freezer since the day after Jésus turned that water into wine, was a good idea for lunch? Only to be reminded that GF food ain't loyal, cause both waffles turned into saw dust as soon as you...
Warrior’s Furnace
© 2016 Sandra Jean-Pierr Dust settling and there's that horizon eyebright painful even with four fingers, planked across brows furrowed in knowing even with shadows cast across broad nose bridges, nostrils flared against the unrelenting stench of dispatched...
Disabled Chronicles, No. 9372
I reached for the sealed blue bottle with trepidation. I considered forgoing the new pills for Motrin but hesitated when I counted up the kaleidoscope of increasing migraine symptoms that I tried to ignore all day: a blind spot in the field of vision of my left eye,...
Disabled Chronicles, No.13076
Having been fed, migraine-medicated and Nephew-tight seat belted in, I rolled out my front door and eyed the sky with suspicion. I wondered what passing rain cloud would baptize my new controller or douse my new shoes. I gripped my standard take-along washcloth in one...
Disabled Chronicles, No.352
To The Dude In A Wheelchair Who Was Being A D$&k - You broke code and etiquette. If you are exiting and another wheelchair is entering, unless you are already mid-exit through the door, you must back up. I repeat: YOU MUST BACK THE FCUK UP. I know you saw...
Disabled Chronicles, No. 3284756
Dear Lady At Publix Yesterday Afternoon, Despite your thoughts about it, you weren't the only person the aisle, nay the entirety of the store was made for. Therefore, leaving your cart at the entrance of the aisle while you absently peruse the legumes will earn you a...
2016 © Sandra Jean-Pierre Animals will be animals, regardless of the God they serve. Where love does not abide violence is eminent, where disregard for life lives, Death is gatekeeper. No God is needed to know this.
Elevate Relaxing Sleep is my YouTube channel dedicated to various sounds to help you sleep. Check it out, subscribe and let me know how it works for you- Sweet Dreams!