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Fight In The Belly

Fight In The Belly

I don't remember what her face looks like. I remember that she had brown skin like mine, that she was wiry, where my own Mom had not been and that she had this boundless energy that I could not for the life of my five year old self, understand. What her sole mission...

Dream Of You

Dream Of You

© 2017 Sandra Jean-PierreI dream of Youbeing insidewhere it issafeandwarm, where You have all of Me in your palm, where I can whisper Your name to my hearts content and be Yours, fully. Baby… I need to breathe your air, need the scent of You, need the feel of You...

Out Of Order

Out Of Order

My Peers are in their late 30s/early 40s. Some have been to and graduated college or University. Some of them are married.  Some have children. Many of them have careers that they either love or hate. All of them are making it through the best they can. And I am on...

Disabled Chronicles, No.3753

Disabled Chronicles, No.3753

    In the midst of a morning full of fuckery that my sister and brother are bailing me out of...   Me: (To Sister) If you wash my face, I'll brush my teeth and I'll be able to get done faster. Then you can get a yogurt for me so I won't leave on an empty stomach.  ...

Disabled Chronicles, No. 589

Disabled Chronicles, No. 589

"They looks like railroad tracks in there!" The heavily accented Hispanic X-ray tech expressed this with a mixture of shock and something that echoed the sentiments of pobrecita. "I know right?!" I answered back with a half smirk on my lips and equal sentiments of How...



Being a Leader is not just about the mountain-top moments, with sun shining, birds chirping as you succeed and win. Where everyone wants to be around and everyone is a friend. Being a Leader is also about watching what you put your blood, sweat and tears into, swan...

Disabled Chronicles, No. 9845601

Disabled Chronicles, No. 9845601

  That one time your Sister just pulls away from the house and it's you and Penelope Dog sitting on your front porch-lette getting your requisite 20 min. of sun time cause your vitamin D kinda low...   And you decide F&^k This S#!t - it's too hot out here and...

Disabled Chronicles, No. 4

Disabled Chronicles, No. 4

I spent the better part of that day saying his name and then uttering an angry curse right after. Or vice versa - which ever came to mind first: the curse or the thought of him. I lamented that, now who was I going to be buying shampoo or mens' summer shorts for?......

Break You

Break You

© 2017 Sandra Jean-PierreYou can’t let me break you   can’t let my desire be so heavy it threatens to bend your will in half   You can’t let me break you   can’t let my nails dig so far into your skin that the scars hurt   You can’t let me break you   can’t let my...

Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday

© 2017 Sandra Jean-PierrePromising breeze billowing these curtains as we lie in Our bed   Your lazy Sunday morning kisses dress me in desire.   Listening to the stillness of the world outside, I welcome the feelof your lips on my hot skin relishing how your mouth...

Her Dominance

Her Dominance

© 2017 SandraJean-Pierre In her bed, wrapped in sheets and sweat my cum fresh on her face and fingers her name still lingering in the damp air from these bruised parted lips my cheeks so flushed from what her tongue made this body feel and do the heaven on this bed...

For Tonight

For Tonight

© 2017 Sandra Jean-Pierre mind numb Your embrace reminds me that i am warm human loved tears threaten but find no path of release my eyes close feeling your hands all over Me smelling You all through Me you here tasting Your lips tepidly with my tongue, timidly...



Elevate Relaxing Sleep is my YouTube channel dedicated to various sounds to help you sleep.  Check it out, subscribe and let me know how it works for you- Sweet Dreams!
