The Truth Is, I’m Failing
The computer "brain box" of my motorized chair had been failing for some time, I just hadn't realized it. As one part or another began to have problems in succession, I would just fix it or replace it, hoping that would be the cure. Even though the fix would help...
I just finished reading Hannah Hart's book, Buffering: Tales Of A Life Fully Loaded (that's an affiliate link btw) and I am sitting here triggered as fuck. It's not that it wasn't a great book - it is. It's not that it was too graphic - it wasn't. It's just that I saw...
Yes. I'm alive. Sometimes barely so, but I am here. I've been pacing around the perimeter of this blog like a caged animal, wondering if I should look into it, wondering if I should look at it, wondering if I should try and breathe life back through it. It's been so...
Disabled Chronicles, No.213
PLEASE tell me why in the year 2016 that there are some folks working in the food service industry that STILL DON'T know how to handle their disabled customers? Lemme help y'all out: If I am coming to your establishment WITH US currency visible IN MY HAND, your...
Disabled Chronicles, No.4572
That one time you cut that corner so hard and with such speed that you hit that piece'a curb (where the heck did that come from?!) and jostle yourself from your really comfy seated driving position and you think you might need to sue somebody or call somebody or at...
Disabled Chronicles, No. 653
... So my pared down, three page complaint letter against the CNA who was unconcerned and negligent about my care as a Special Needs patient my last hospital stint? Just got a call back from the hospital that the CNA is being sent to training so that she can...
Disabled Chronicles, No.93876
Chronicles Of Being Disabled, Entry #93876: Having been properly packed and sent off by Publix's very own Abuelita, I make my way to the bus stop. I would NOT be stopping at Starbucks for coffee, I would NOT meander and loiter in these Sunday streets. I just wanted to...
Disabled Chronicles, No.5637
I generally relegate my grocery shopping to Sundays. While most folks are at church, I make my way to the mainly empty stores to get my shopping done for the week, usually without incident. So it was without particular exception that I did the same this Sunday....
Disabled Chronicles, No.6485
I don't like working on "disabled things". So you can imagine how I wanted to jump from the nearest building when I got stuck working the Special Needs Desk for two years once (Another story for another post). Shocker. I know. Hypocritical Contradiction? Maybe. Here's...
Disabled Chronicles, No. 23746
He halted his three-wheeled bicycle at the end of the block and allowed me to go first. Thanking him, I tooled down the sidewalk, thinking of my upcoming pit stop and the journey after to get my case of water. I felt my sandal slipping off my freshly bathed and...
Disabled Chronicles, No.9827
To The Haitian Driver Who Nearly Sent Me To The Great Beyond When All I Wanted To Do Was Make It Home With My Groceries, Why you stopped short at the stop sign in the parking lot, paused a good long few minutes, then began backing up WITHOUT looking back JUST as I was...
Disabled Chronicles, No.274990
Me: (Checks time to make sure Doctor's office is open. Dials.) Office Worker John: Thank You for calling Dr. X's office, this is John* (*Not his real name), how may I help you? Me: Good Morning John! This is Sandra Jean-Pierre (In my best sing-songy upbeat voice). How...
Elevate Relaxing Sleep is my YouTube channel dedicated to various sounds to help you sleep. Check it out, subscribe and let me know how it works for you- Sweet Dreams!