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Disabled Chronicles, No. 376

Disabled Chronicles, No. 376

My case managers used to ask me every year if I wanted to choose home services - so I can stay in my home or a nursing facility. That question was always absurd to me: why would I leave where I am thriving to go to a place where I am almost sure I would not or at a...

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This time of year is when I work the hardest. It’s the time of year when I am most not OK.This year hasn’t been an exception. There is this visceral grittiness  about this whole year that i haven’t been able to shake. This wholesale callousness that’s saddening....

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Fed Up

Fed Up

You know what I want for the holidays? I want my coloring books to have sales in the hundreds. All of them. Cause I can’t be this talented and still this broke. #FedUp#TrueStoriesOf2020

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My Mom used to tell of how she spent the first few years of our lives (my older brother and I) crying. She was devastated that her first two children were born disabled. She would spend that time in supplication, utterly heartbroken between prayers. And then one day...

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Give Up

Give Up

I try to live in a world of possibilities. After my initial run in with a ‘problem’, my mind invariably shifts into what can be a/the ‘solution’. Some solutions are easier or better than others. Sometimes solutions shift over time. Some solutions take a while to make...

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Disabled Chronicles, No. 313

Disabled Chronicles, No. 313

I just spent the last hour of my life re-certifying for my benefits. These benefits include SNAP (food stamps) and most importantly Long term care benefits. These are the benefits that pay for the aides that come three times a day to help me, which allows me to stay...

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The Village

The Village

My New Home This is what the serenity of my new home looks and feels like. I wanted to share it with You because in large part, You helped to make it possible. I wish I could have a literal house warming and invite y’all over for some gluten free goodness, good...

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Today was the first time meal prepping in my new place. Super nervous cause it’s a smaller place and it was nerve wracking trying to remember where everything is. Pulled off two complete meals in two hours. My aide remarked how it was amazing how things came together...

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Breathing, feels different in this space. Feels like convalescing and the inability nor desire to get up off the floor because there is nothing thankfully chasing me here. Breathing here is complex. It is some part gratitude and heartbreak mixed with as yet known...

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Corner of the World

Corner of the World

My place currently smells like fresh drying laundry. There are two slim boxes of cereal on top of my fridge. The sun is coming in just so through the slats of these blinds. My bp is sitting at 121/80 this morning. And all is right in this corner of the world....

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Disabled Chronicles, No. 1350

Disabled Chronicles, No. 1350

This is what 123/84 bp looks like after almost 2 months (started July 7, 2020) of TiTi's Moringa and regular bp meds daily, kidney supportive smoothies every other day, lowering my salt intake and being in a space that is not stressful. My morning aide and I started...

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Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind, wake in the morning to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous people, for they dream their dreams with open eyes and make them come true. —D.H. Lawrence

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